(Im) - perfect
1 min readDec 20, 2020

Day 14

I’m getting more responsibilities and more difficult tasks at work. I’m proud of that fact. Moreover, my boss is having a very difficult time right now so it’s only probable that I step up and take over some stuff. Also, I can’t hide from the world behind my boss forever. So, go go me.

Despite being very proud, I’m having a hard time squeezing any study time in work, family, minimal self-care and minimal social life. I’m not leaving my dream and passion. But I really need to strategically come up with a different approach and attitude to life.

Earlier this week, on a flight, I was reading a book about the law of mirror (?) and I suddenly found the answer about something that’s been in the back of my mind for a few months related to the issue of ‘respect’. I cried on the plane (no joke) and felt my heart was overwhelmed with a sense understanding, compassion, and trust in someone important to me. Right place right time right people.

---writing from paternal hometown where I’m performing family duty---

(Im) - perfect

a hooman on the path of self-discovery and self-care